Sunday, July 28, 2024

More questions I've asked of Ben Cline No answers yet

To Ben Cline: As you and I both know, Republicans, when in control of government, have never refused to raise the debt ceiling, even when the policies of Ronald Reagan, G.W. Bush, and Donald Trump were sending America into regions of unprecedented debt, mostly because of “trickle down” tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (many of whom get out-right subsidies paid for by middle cast taxpayers like me). Therefore, I have no doubt that you will break with your Mike Johnson “led” party and vote to raise the debt ceiling and protect our economy and your constituents from the negative impacts of defaulting any time in the future. After all, why be a representative of people in your district and collect a salary if you don’t vote to fund the government that PAYS you? By the way, spare me the “conservative fiscal wisdom” of paying as you go. Our government has already spent the money that these budgetary bills address. Have YOU ever borrowed money for a car, tuition, or a house? Did you pay it back, or did you decide that you’d default on your already accrued debt and somehow, just “start over”?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

I wrote my Congressman Representative Ben Cline today

I wrote: Hannibal Lector. In your opinion, is donald trump sane? Ben's "contact me" form requires a whole lot of information about me. It is onerous to fill out. I really don't think he's interested in hearing from his contituents.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Why is the economy so bad for the little guys?

I am the CEO of a washing machine factory. We made a lot of money last year and as the brilliant “architect” of our success, I took about 40% of the profit as my salary and bonuses… As a very good leader of our financial balance among where our money is spent, earned, and “trusted to us” by investors, I presided over 70% of the remaining profits being remanded to those investors. We of course, had business expenses… you know, materials and such… But I guess the lawyers took their share too… somewhere in the CFO’s report. Who cares? Anyway, after that money was gone, as a good businessman, I reinvested 5% of our net profits back into the business. So do the math. What was left: 10 % ? I don't know; numbers are hard. Of this I gave a 0.02% raise to my labor staff… leaving me an extra “bonus” of 23.05% of the original total for myself and the investors who I like the best (and the Congressmen who regulate my business). I can’t understand why the economy is so bad and why my employees can’t afford to buy our washing machines. It just has to be Biden’s fault. I just heard from my good friend… he owns a microwave cooker factory…… I just remembered! He has a brother who owns a diaper factory...