Saturday, January 30, 2021

How much optimism is too much? Do you look both ways?


I just listened to @SciFri.  I’m really getting tired of hearing from people who can start with the current clusterfuck and calmly talk about it. Yes!  I know that that is exactly what they/we have to do.  But, it is profoundly depressing for me to hear the “optimists” who are featured who don’t start out with: 

“THE most ignorant, psychopathic idiot savant ever to attain power in the history of the USA... DID this to us”.   Then I'll be ready to listen to reason. 


I'm not happy about the slow and disorganized roll out of the life saving vaccines.   And even though, an ardent critic of the crazy and false "zero sum game" that supposes that everything good that happens to someone else is something bad that happens to me; I still can't dispel the idea that:  

"Everything that I can get for me" doesn't end up being something not so good for them.  So, I'll not jump into any vaccine lines. 

So.  I am happy for every single person who gets a vaccine (even the line jumpers).  I will try to not think about which one of those shots that I didn't get might end up in me dying.  I am a firm believer in the idea that when I'm dead; I will not know it.

I am also an ardent pessimist.   I have always expected to die from this pandemic.   If I don't; I'll consider it a triumph of something...

If I do, I won't know that I was right all along. 

Off all the things wrong with t****, I believe that his total adherence to the "zero sum" was his worst attribute.  From that, all inability of empathy flows.  Oh, and ignorance and stupidity.... but where does one stop?

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What he didn't do Wednesday January 6, 2021

Is way worse than what he did to start it.

I wrote directly to my congressman, Ben Cline 6th District, Virginia.  Cline is an avid trump supporter who has, to my knowledge, never criticized anything trump has ever said or done.  He is among those who "protested" the vote counts of other states both before and after the invasion and sacking of the Capitol building.

I urge you to Read the timeline of events of last Wednesday [ As allies pleaded for help, Trump kept watching TV ] in the Washington Post, written from interviews with 15 white house staffers on January 12, 2021. 

I saw a live stream of some of this from Jr. Donald Trump's friend who was there at the time.  Trump watched the invasion of the Capitol like a toddler glued to the TV watching a cartoon, as his mob... did what they did.  Many Trump aides tried to get his attention, but it was hours before he would react.  When he did, it was by tweeting the wrong words.  Others danced and music played. It was hours before anyone could break into his reverie and convince him to issue a statement on the attack on the Capitol.  When he finally did, too late, it was too little.  Read the transcript of his last words that day.  He mostly said the wrong things.  He was still lying about the validity of the election and still supporting the mob: "we love you, you're special". 


I know that Ben Cline will never see this.   YOU his staff will.  If you can support Cline and Trump after knowing what is true of that day, you join them as traitors to America, plain and simple.  Trump is insane; he must not be president one day longer.


Your only redemption from this assessment is to resign and get another job... working for a patriotic American.