Tuesday, March 30, 2021




I’ve been listening to WSVA “NEWS” radio for 47 years.  So you might not be surprised that I was disappointed when I called into the station with some “breaking news” of my own.  I told the guy (oh, how I wish, I could tell you his name!) that after I had already called both the Virginia Department of Forestry AND the Federal National Forest contact numbers about the smoke AND the smell of burning leaves that I was seeing and smelling, he told me that he was busy and that it was a “burn”.

He told me that they (the radio station? the FEDS?)  had told us about it “last week”… \and that he had to go on the air.  He was in a hurry.

I said “Please tell people that there’s a fire….”   as he hung up on me.

I tried to tell him that this was NOW, this wasn’t a “burn”.  

He needed to go on air and tell us all the “NEWS”.  He had no time for nows.