THE TOOTH FAIRY, INC. Office of Deciduous Dentinal Apparatus Flattery B. Bicuspid, Director of Operations Molar B. Grinder, Information Specialist 20 Dentin Way, Suite 107734 The Galen Building, qwertyuiop Space Time Zone 2,345, 678GAL: Milky Way
The Fathers have eaten a Sour Grape and the children’s teeth are set on edge -Ezekiel: 18:2
The Fathers have eaten a Sour Grape and the children’s teeth are set on edge -Ezekiel: 18:2
To: Miss Weingarten
Bedroom, House with recently repaired black roof: (room
is off the family room across from brother, Wyatt
Daniel's, with a bathroom in between.) Beige
walls with blue wainscoting. Red
rug and curtains. (Dinos and movie
Cars.) XXXX Edgewater Rd. Washington, DC, Earth, 21122 Space
time zone 34,569, 2323, werjda lutorej
Dear Resident:
It has come to our attention that a recent action by our
staff, namely, Fairy, Firefly B. Twinkle, may have been in error. Although we pride ourselves with an excellent
record of accuracy here at the Office of Dental Apparatus, occasionally things
do go wrong. Here at the Division of [teeth,
mandibular abraders, chelae, and mHnxvkjf] we also take
pride in our transparent corporate policy.
Thus, even though we collect the shed [ teeth, mandibular abraders, Chelae, or mHnxvkjf]
from several billions of [children,
larval forms] each [year, cycle,
astral equinox, temperature inversion] we always strive for improvement in our
services. Hence this letter (with
attached forms, # 77849AXB, and asdvksdful.). Obviously we are forced to resort to this
type of mass form letter for our voluminous correspondences. Your indulgence is appreciated.
Please be so kind as to complete the attached forms (#
77849AXB, asdvksdful) at your
earliest convenience. The completed
forms will be collected (and NOT by
Fairy, Twinkle) on the occasion of your next shed [Tooth, mandibular abrader, chela, or mHnxvkjf** ].
Since the information you supply will become a permanent part of your
file; it is essential that you include your validated PIN #. If for any reason you have forgotten you PIN
#, you may obtain a replacement number
by completing Form # 67342,358 (also enclosed) along with a validated copy of
your [Larval form, Child] Certificate as
was supplied to you included with the remuneration for your previously shed
dentition: (Larval form, Children’s Act
- refer bylaw 2: section 3: paragraph 34,445 - subsection 697G). We hope that you haven’t lost it.
The error in question:
There seems to be some confusion on our end concerning
exactly which [Tooth, Mandibular abrader, chela, or mHnxvkjf**] is the one we collected from you during
our last visit. We appear to have more
than one specimen here at our facility and to make matters worse, our Forensic
Specialist, Pullem (Forceps) Skullboiler believes that some of these items are
not necessarily associated with Homo
Sapiens, but in fact appear to be from either a pig, Sus scrofa, or a dog, Canis
familiaris. If you would be so kind
as to supply us with a photo or hand drawn sketch of your dearly departed
dentition, we would be able make a correct determination and close our
files. We regret any inconvenience this
issue may cause you.
Your prompt response to these requests (including all forms
FULLY completed) will ensure the continuation of the kind of service you have
come to expect from this office. If for
any reason you have further questions feel free to call us at our toll free
number clearly marked at the top of Form # 67342,358 (also supplied during our
last visit). We really hope that
you haven’t lost it.
Thank you again for your prompt attention to these matters.
Information Specialist, Molar B.
Attachments: Form #
# 12313,214
# 77849AXB
Form asdvksdful
Bid them wash their faces and keep their teeth clean.
Coriolanus: II, iii 65
Of course, the attachments are not included...